Monday 21 May 2012

There once was an ugly duckling ….

Regular visitors to the Park will know that we have a couple of pairs of wild mute swans who choose to spend most of the year here with us at Seaview Wildlife Encounter.  They can usually be seen down at our ‘Lower Lake’ where they add grace and serenity to this beautiful stretch of water.  The lake has fountains at each end and is edged on one side by “Willow Walk” where visitors can escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and enjoy a stroll in amongst nature’s peace and tranquillity.
This weekend one of our female swans hatched out three gorgeous cygnets.  Despite the famous fairy tale these youngsters aren’t ugly at all!  They’re covered in soft grey fuzzy down and have very cute faces!  I captured a couple of images at lunchtime today to share with the swan-lovers out there that might just be drawn to read this.  For our friends, old and new, who can spare a couple of hours this coming Jubilee Week – why not come and see the cygnets and enjoy a special day of close contact with all our birds and animals?

No ugly ducklings here – just three perfect cygnets with their beautiful, proud mother

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